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Fur'st ALLERGY + IMMUNITY Dog Supplement - 120 chews

Fur'st ALLERGY + IMMUNITY Dog Supplement - 120 chews

 Enhanced allergy management: Both zinc and coconut oil work together to alleviate skin allergies and irritations, providing relief from symptoms like itching and inflammation.

 Stronger immune defense: The supplement fortifies the immune system, making your dog more resilient against infections and illnesses.

Improved skin and coat condition: Regular intake can lead to healthier skin and a more lustrous coat, benefiting dogs with dry skin or coarse fur.

Natural and holistic approach: Using natural ingredients like coconut oil can be a more holistic way to address allergies and immunity, which is often preferable for long-term management.

Each ingredient plays a crucial role in allergy management and immune defense:

  • Zinc: Immune system support, skin health, antioxidant properties, hormonal balance

  • Coconut oil: Skin and coat health, anti-inflammatory effects, antimicrobial properties, boosts immune system

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